近年來,隨著小型基地台的布建密度越來越高,使用相同頻段的基地台將會出現更多基地台間干擾(Inter-cell interference)的問題,尤其是基地台邊緣的使用者會有很高的機率被其他的基地台的訊號干擾,傳統的Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (ICIC)機制在相鄰的基地台間使用不同的頻段,可以有效減緩叢集小型基地台間干擾問題。 雖然傳統的ICIC觀念簡單且容易實作,但是對於頻譜的使用不夠彈性,因此,本論文中所提出的適應性資源平衡分配演算法(Adaptive Resource Balanced Allocation Algorithm, ARBA)將會動態分配資源區塊(Resource Blocks, RBs),演算法中將考慮到使用者的服務品質(Quality of Service, QoS)和通道品質(Channel Quality Indicator, CQI),依照各個基地台底下的使用者人數,以及當下基地台GBR與Non-GBR資料流的比例,計算出各個基地台的權重,再以權重大小來分配各個RB,基地台會藉由X2介面溝通來動態分配RB,用以提升整體吞吐量和滿意度,並在最後加入平衡持有比例的想法,讓較弱勢的基地台不會有拿不到資源的情況,來保有公平性,希望藉由了解各個基地台的需求,讓最適合的基地台來使用資源,使資源利用最佳化。 ;Recently, as the density of the small cells is increased, the problem of inter-cell interference (ICI) is also increased, because the small cells use the same frequency in different cell. Especially for the cell edge users, the problem is more severe. In the traditional ICIC, the solution of eliminating the ICI is to use different frequency. Although the traditional solution is very simple and practical, the spectrum efficiency is not high enough. Therefore, the proposed adaptive resource balanced allocation algorithm (ARBA) of this study is to use dynamic allocation. We consider the users’ quality of service (QoS) and channel quality indicator (CQI). The calculation of weights is according to the number of the UEs and the ratio of the GBR flow. Then, allocate the resource blocks (RBs) to the cell by the weights of each cell. The cells use the X2 interface communication to dynamically allocate RBs and increase the throughput and satisfaction. To avoid the problem that the cell doesn’t get RB, the ideal of balance the resource portion of each cell is adopted to preserve the fairness. Understanding the requirement of the cells, the RBs can be allocated to the most suitable cell in order to optimize the utilization of the resource.