用戶所回報的通道資訊是基地台在排程時的一個重要依據,而當移動速度過快時,基地台當下所接收到的資訊可能已超過其時效性(Out of date information),因利用過時的資訊做排程,繼而使得總體系統的吞吐量下降,這是我們所不樂見的。
因軌道固定的特性,本文提出了在考慮公平性的前提下,利用了通道預測的技術解決高速移動通道資訊時效性的問題,並顧及QoS的排程方法。最後,以模擬的方式提供各種情境下以及對應項目的數值比較作為排程方法的驗證。;With the popularity of multimedia applications, the demand of bandwidth grows up day by day, in next generation cellular system, high-speed situation will often appears, such as high-speed rail. The rapid speed may cause the channel signal information out of date which reported by user equipment (UE) and will make system throughput decline, so how to solve this problem is the way need to consider. Nowadays, some prediction method have been proposed to solve the problem of system throughput decline in high-speed situation, but they will occupied large amounts of uplink bandwidth.
In this thiese, we propose the channel prediction technology of high-speed mobile channel, taking into account the scheduling method, to solve the problem of the timeliness information without occupied large amounts of uplink bandwidth. Finally, we provide simulation results based on different situation for comparing, verify the method we proposed.