在本篇論文中,主要針對能量採集和無線能量蜂巢式網路架構下做討論,能量採集是近年興起的技術,因為通訊裝置的能量有限,所以延長使用時間變得很重要,能量來源是從環境來的,也具環保意義,如:風力、太陽能、震動,而最近能量來源為射頻訊號受到熱烈討論,這也是這篇論文所採用的能量來源。無線能量蜂巢式網路有一個多天線存取點(AP)作為能量傳遞,多個使用者則做資料傳輸,下行時間能量傳遞,上行時間資料傳輸。;Traditionally, energy-constrained devices are powered by fixed energy sources. But it will run out one day. It’s important to extend the lifetime by recharging. Energy harvesting is a solution, it has emerged recently since it provides power supplies from the environment. Radio-frequency(RF) signals become a source for energy harvesting. We consider a Wireless-Powered Cellular Network including an access point and numbers of users. The AP broadcasts wireless energy to users in the downlink, then users transmit information to AP in the uplink.