近年來,便利的金融服務轉變成生活的必需品,而行動服務更需要快速且主動的做即時應變,數位化金融環境3.0(Bank 3.0)因此誕生。為了因應瞬息萬變的金融環境,敏捷軟體開發方法成了專案開發的新選擇。敏捷軟體開發方法強調面對面的溝通是很重要的,如何建立專案整體的溝通脈絡,以提升溝通的效率,本研究運用了學者所提出的會議流方法(Meeting-Flow Approach;MFA),來解決專案團隊與協作人員之間的溝通問題。此外,敏捷軟體開發所帶來的另一個文件化的問題,也藉由會議流方法,建立一套適用於敏捷軟體開發方法的文件回饋機制,來達到企業的資訊安全規範。 本研究採用個案研究的方式,探討在敏捷軟體開發方法下導入會議流,及配合Scrum方法的各項會議下,塑模出會議的時序流及資訊流,並進一步分析此方法對於個案成效的幫助。具體而言,本研究除了探討個案所面臨之問題是否獲得改善外,亦藉由關鍵績效指標來衡量會議流的導入是否提升溝通品質,並降低溝通佔整體工作時間的百分比,以及工作的效能是否提升。此外,針對企業所規範的資訊安全文件,是否在會議流導入後,能夠提升文件產出的品質及降低稽核缺失的次數。並針對本研究之導入,與專案成員進行個別訪談,整理及歸納出會議流導入之結論及建議。 ;The fast advancement of modern financial technologies (Fintech) has greatly enhanced people’s life. In particular, the mobilization of Fintech aims in providing agile and proactive services, and thus Bank 3.0 has come to serve this need. In order to respond to the dynamic banking environments, the agile approach of service development seems to be useful in this regard. Agile development approach emphasizes communication and less documentation; yet such emphases may lead to undue group communication and lack of documental support. Therefore, this study applies the meetings-flow approach (MFA) to establish a meeting-oriented group process with document feedback loop to support the agile-based service development. To implement the proposed work, this study adopts the case research methodology. This study reports on a mega banking service project that adopts SCRUM approach and presents the aforementioned problems encountered during the development, and explores how the MFA helps address the problems. Specifically, by modeling the iterative development into the meetings-oriented process loops, the MFA provides a concrete way of showing how the project stakeholders communicate and collaborate to achieve phase goals while preserve important documentation through the collaborative effort. This study also investigates the benefits of the application bringing to the project, and concludes the work to outline its future research directions.