隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,網路通訊也變得相對的複雜以及龐大,目前的傳統網路架構已逐漸無法負荷現今的網路負載,因此各大學者紛紛提出與傳統網路不同的架構。而軟體定義網路(Software Defined Network, SDN)以及網路功能虛擬化(Network Function Virtualization, NFV),無論是產業界或是學術界都將其納為討論的重點之一。其中軟體定義網路是將現今複雜的網路架構轉變成可程式化、集中化的管理架構;而網路功能虛擬化將網路的服務虛擬化,提供管理人員所需的靈活性、擴充性。因此軟體定義網路以及網路功能虛擬化被視為是下一代網路的主要方向。 然而要實現一套具有 SDN/NFV 的實驗環境,需要有很大的學習成本,所以往往研究人員在實現實驗環境時,就需要耗費大量的人力及財力。因此本論文提出以 VMware 為基礎的網路測試平台,無論是在 SDN/NFV 或是在傳統網路的環境,都能使研究人員以最小的力氣就能佈建所需實驗環境。此外,利用本論文提出的快速佈署機制,能夠使環境在佈署的時間達到最短。並且也提供一個前端的網頁介面,使研究人員能夠藉著網頁來繪製所需要的網路環境,依其網路拓樸的資訊佈署在 VMware 上。並且也在此系統中提出網路封包的錄製以及回放,使研究人員能夠藉著封包的錄製將網路情況記錄起來,再利用回放的機制將網路情況重現,使得研究人員能夠以不同的角度來分析同樣的網路情況。;With the rapid development of Internet, network communication has become complicated and large. Today′s traditional network architecture has gradually unable to load the current network load. So, the scholars have put forward different from traditional network architectures. Software defined network (SDN) and Network function virtualization (NFV) is a novel networking architecture. Either academia or industry are quite invested. Therefore, this research proposes to VMware-based network testbed. Whether in a traditional or in SDN network environment. Enabling researchers to minimize the effort required to provision the required experimental environment. Besides, the use of rapid deployment mechanisms presented in this research, enabling environment at deployment time to reach the minimum. And also provides a front-end web interface, allows researchers to page through to draw the required network environment, network topology information according to their deployment on VMware. And this system is also proposed network packet interception and replay. It allows researchers to analyze the different angles of the same network conditions.