此篇論文的主要目的是利用度規重力理論 (MAG)下的經確解去計算準局域能量- 動量。MAG 理論的動機就是為了找出一重力的規範理論進一步邁向量子重力場, 我們意在結合MAG 理論與準局域表示式以得到經確解更多的資訊和進一步了解 準局域表示式的物理意義。利用Reduce 我們找到在MAG 理論中的準局域能量 其極限值為ADM 質量。 The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate certain quasilocal energy-momentum expressions for some exact solutions of the Metric-Affine gravity theory. The motivation for the MAG theory is to formulate a gauge theory of gravity moving towards a quantum gravity. Our intention in combining MAG and quasilocal quantities is to both compare the results of several exact solutions in order to better understand them and to further see the physical meaning of these quasilocal expressions. Using Reduce, we found quasilocal values with reasonable asymptotic limits for these MAG theory solutions.