摘要: | 工程技術顧問乃知識密集產業,亦為國家重點扶植之具競爭潛力服務業,按行政院公共工程委員會頒布之「機關委託技術服務廠商評選及計費辦法」規定,公共工程設計費平均約佔建造費用3%~6%,工程專案之設計成本雖遠低於施工成本,然技術服務廠商提供之設計及專業諮詢服務品質,卻對整體工程具顯著深遠之影響。國內目前僅少數工程主辦機關對技術服務廠商進行績效評核,因評核均採行主觀評估指標,且囿於評估指標項目不足、評分級距不清、未設定評分權重等因素,使評核結果多無法明確區辨廠商之個別表現及其應改善重點。 本研究旨對捷運工程所委辦之技術服務廠商,建立包含設計、施工兩階段績效評估模式,以評核廠商設計階段之設計服務績效,以及施工階段專業諮詢服務績效,使廠商各方面之表現得以完整呈現。本研究透過文獻蒐整、專家訪談及專家問卷調查,確立設計階段(24項)、施工階段(17項)績效評估指標及指標評分方式,並採平衡計分卡(Balanced Scorecard, BSC)、層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)建立績效評估指標架構及權重。經前述研究結果,統合為設計、施工階段及專案績效評分表,以具代表性之捷運工程實務案例進行模式之測試、檢討修正,案例測試結果顯示,兩階段評估機制可具體呈現廠商履約之詳細狀況及其應改善重點,極具正確性及完整性。 本研究所建立之技術服務廠商績效評估機制,可提供捷運局有效評核、監督、重點管理廠商績效,避免因設計品質不良衍致專案品質、時程、成本等問題。此外,本研究所建立之廠商過往履約績效資料庫,亦可作為評選廠商之決策輔助參考。本研究之成果,除協助捷運局履約管理、擇優選商外,期能協助改善其他工程主辦機關對技術服務廠商之績效評估方式,以加強其設計與服務之品質,進一步提昇公共工程設計品質及國際競爭力。 ;The industry of engineering technical consultants belongs to knowledge-intensive industries. It is also the competitive service industry which vigorously supported by the government. According to the “Regulations for Selection and Fee Calculation of Technical Services Providers Entrusted by Entities”, the average design fee in public construction is around 3% to 6% of the construction expense. However, the design cost is far less than the construction cost for the project, the design and consulting service provided by technical consultants influences the overall construction project intensely. At the present time, only a few domestic construction agencies evaluate the performance of technical service contractors. Some evaluations adopt all subjective indexes. Due to the insufficient evaluation items of indexes, unclear evaluating classification, and not setting evaluation weights, the results cannot clearly differentiate the performance of constructors and tasks needed to be improved. The goal of this study is to develop performance evaluation models for entrusted MRT technical consultants at both the design and construction stages. This two-stage evaluation would evaluate the contractors’ performance for their design service at the design stage and the professional consulting service at the construction stage respectively to show the performance of the evaluated contractors completely. By literature review, expert interview, and expert survey, the study established 24 performance indexes for the design stage, 17 performance indexes for the construction stage, and their evaluation methods. After that, the performance index structure and weights are set up by a balanced scorecard (BSC) and analytic hierarchical process (AHP). The foresaid results are then integrated into the evaluation sheet of technical service contractors at the design and construction stage and the overall project. Several representative MRT cases are then used to test and analyze the system for the purpose of revision. The case studies indicate that two-stage evaluation mechanism would show contractors’ compliance details and vital improvable items specifically and verification of the system with extremely accuracy and comprehensiveness. The study establishes a performance evaluation mechanism for DORTS to assess, supervise and key manage technical consultants’ performance effectively. It avoids the unnecessary disputes about project quality, schedules, and cost due to poor design. This study not only supports decision making on choosing technical consultants by utilizing the data bank of contractors’ historical compliance performance, it also expects to help other agencies to push technical consultants to enhance enhancing their service quality, and promoting international competition and design quality in public construction by improving their consultants’ performance evaluation methods. |