摘要 薄膜液體在許多科學技術上被廣泛應用,例如潤滑液。液態薄膜 的特性與大量液體行為是極不相同的。這裡,我們所要探討的是強偶 合庫侖液體在一個狹小縫隙中的微觀動力行為。在分子尺度下,這些 液體受到邊界的效應的侷限而有2 到3 層的影響範圍。 若定義層與 層之間的距離為d ,在改變狹縫寬度由7d 到5d 時有明顯的結構改 變,導因於整個系統受到邊界受限,而非只有靠近邊界的區域。寬度 由大到小,粒子的行為也由液體趨向固體。而狹縫寬度愈小並不保證 就具有較好的排列結構,這需要考慮到寬度適當與否。我們的研究便 是透過統計方式,來了解粒子在不同寬度下,受邊界效應的運動行為。 Abstract Thin film liquid like lubricant is important on science and technology. The properties of thin film liquid are quite different from those of bulk liquid. In our work, we study the micro-dynamics of strongly coupled Coulomb liquid in a narrow channel. At molecular scale, the confinement induced layering transition in a nar-row channel due to two to three layers of boundary effect. Here we define d as the spacing between two layers. By reducing the confining width, the layering transition occurs between 7d and 5d. However, while reducing the confining width, it does not guarantee that it can form a good packing structure. The good packing structure only occurs at proper confining width. The confinement also induces phase tran-sitions from liquid to solid like state. Our study not only demonstrates the laying transition but also provides the dynamical behaviors of particles in confined liquid.