我們利用Sommerfeld-Maue的波函數計算了入射電子能量範圍從50 keV到500 keV的原子場中制動輻射的偏極相關性。在這份工作中,終態電子是假定為不被觀測的。我們利用2x1矩陣的自旋子表示法來計算入射電子的自旋以及光子的偏極向量間的偏極相關性。計算結果跟正確的理論計算以及實驗的比較結果顯示了一共有七種的偏極相關性,這個結果跟Tseng和Pratt的推論是一致的。結果也同時顯示了,在我們考慮的能量範圍內,利用Sommerfeld-Maue的波函數所得到的三個主要的偏極相關性在低原子數的情況下跟Tseng和Pratt的理論計算有好的比較結果,但在高原子數的情況下的比較結果較差。這個特性跟用這個方法所得到的無偏極截面有一樣的特性。 Atomic bremsstrahlung-polarization correlations are calculated by using Sommerfeld-Maue wave function for incident electron kinetic energy in the range from 50 keV to 500 keV. In this work, it is assumed that the final electron is not observed. The two-component spinor representation is used to obtain the correlations between the spin of the incident electron and emitted photon polarization vector. Results are compared with exact calculation in partial wave formulation and experiments. It is shown that, only seven polarization correlations are survive, that agree with the results of Tseng and Pratt. It is also shown that, in the energy region we concern, the Sommerfeld-Maue wave function have good comparison for three of the polarization correlations with the theoretical results worked done by Tseng and Pratt for low atomic number case, but have poor comparison for high atomic number case, that have the same feature with the unpolarized cross section used this method.