摘要: | 隨著科技日新月異,世界成為地球村,為了可以跟國際社會接軌,提升競爭力是必要的,國際移動力為最近熱門議題,我們可以藉由提升國際移動力,讓我們在社會中更具競爭性,然而國際移動力主要可以分為四部份探討,溝通力、專業力、實踐力及適應力,其中溝通力又為國際移動力中的最為基本的能力,本研究將會以溝通力(英文能力)為探討的主題。 探討英文能力的同時我們也會與學業成就做為比較,其中我們發現幾個較為重要的結果(一)預測中央大學全體學生的學業成就,學測英文的預測能力比學測國文、學測數學較佳,然而理工學系的同學也是一樣的結果,(二)學測總級分、學測英文、大一英文、學業成就(GPA)都會影響到學生的畢業時的英文能力(英檢等級),其中影響畢業時英文能力的主要因素還是入學前的英文能力(學測英文)為主要因素,(三)學業成就與英文能力有顯著的關係,其中英文學業成就與英文能力的關係更為顯著,有了這三個發現可以讓我們更有效的提升學生的英文能力,進而提升中央大學學生的國際移動力。 ;With the rapid development of science and technology,the world is becoming a global village.Thus ,it is necessary to enhance the global competitiveness. Global Mobility has been a key issue recently. As a result,we can become more competitive by enhancing Global Mobility.We can divide Global Mobility into four ablities: communication,expertise,practice and adaptation. Among these four abilities, communication is regarded as the fundamental skill. Therefore,this research focuses on discussing communication (that is English ability). In order to improve the Global Mobility of students at NCU, we make comparison between students’academic achievement and English ability.We found out three important results through this research. First, among the scores of Chinese,English and Mathematics of the General Scholastic Ability Test(GSAT),there is a high correlation between students’GSAT,English score and their academic achievement at NCU,compared to their chinese and Mathmatics score. The above-mentioned result is the same for the students of College of Science, and College of Engineer.Second,the factors that influence students’English proficiency at college level include GSAT total scores,GSAT English scores,Freshman English scores and GPA,Furthermore,there is a significantly high correlation between GSAT English score and their English proficiency at college level.Third, there is a positive relationship between language proficiency and academic achievement. There is a significantly high correlation between English proficiency and English academic achievement. |