刪減地震目錄中規模小於4.6之地震紀錄後,我們將台灣周圍大於4.6的地震事件顯示於地圖上並尋找地震圓弧,地震弧可視為地殼的應力集中狀況的訊號,因此兩個或兩個以上的地震弧交點可以被視為局部應力相互作用的作用點。我們研究從1976年12月到1988年12月之間的地震弧交叉與附近大地震之間時間和空間關聯。發現台灣本島及東部沿岸68筆地震弧交叉其中46筆交叉在形成後的三年間周圍70公里內有發生5.8級以上之大地震。最後我們分析各種地震弧交叉案例中地震事件的最小規模和搜尋地震資料時間範圍,並解釋其型態與交叉之關係。;After analyzing the earthquake catalog of Taiwan, we plot the events of earthquakes with magnitudes equal to or greater than 4.6 on the map of Taiwan to investigate the circular arcs of earthquakes(CAE). An intersection of two or more than two CAEs can be treated as a localized stress interaction indicator. We analyze this type of intersection happened in Taiwan from 1976 to 1988, we found that there were 68 intersections around Taiwan. Among these intersections 46 of them are important. That is, within three years after the occurrences of these 46 intersections, there were strong earthquakes happened closed to these intersections. We also analyze and explain the meanings of these intersections.