在鈣鈦礦電池的發展中,吸光層在電解液中不穩定的問題,最終以Grätzel開發出的spiro-MeOTAD解決,憑藉著效率的卓越,於是全球便有許多電洞傳輸層的研究發展,而至今尚未能夠完全探討出電洞傳輸層的理論。 以下論文研究的重心,在於嘗試探討出電洞傳輸層的適當原則與開發不一樣的材料結構,所以本研究試著以這樣的走向,希望發展出有著不錯效率的材料並能試著找出電洞傳輸層更多的準則。 ;During the initial development, the perovskite solar cells have suffered the issue of instability due to the liquid electrolyte system. In order to overcome the issue, Grätzel developed a solid electrolyte system in which spiro-MeOTAD is used as a hole transport material. Owing to his success, numerous research groups started working to find suitable hole transport materials for efficient perovskite solar cells. However, the designing principles and theory for efficient hole transport layer has yet to established. The main focus of this study was to try to explore the appropriate principles which can guide for designing efficient hole transport layers and to develop various templates for perovskite solar cells