現今人們交流的方式,大部分都藉由LINE等通訊軟體來互動,然與客戶初次見面,或新認識之朋友,往往習慣性掏出名片來自我介紹一番。因名片上會涵蓋自己的聯繫方式以及照片,以方便後續聯絡。然小小的一張名片所涵蓋的資訊似乎大同小異,應該要如何設計方能第一時間凸顯自己的特色呢?本研究將探討名片設計對業務人員的職能特質與工作績效之知覺影響,藉以了解不同的名片設計,他人會如何對於業務人員產生不同的職能特質與工作績效之知覺影響。本研究以準實驗研究法設計四個實驗,其主要的研究結果如下︰ 1. 名片上業務照片位置與名片背景顏色對於影響職能特質有顯著之知覺交互作用,但對於工作績效並無影響 2. 名片上業務照片位置與照片呈現形式對於影響工作績效有顯著之知覺交互作用,但對於職能特質並無影響 3. 名片外框與照片人物穿著對職能特質及工作績效之知覺有顯著的影響 4. 雙手手勢與照片人物穿著對職能特質及工作績效之知覺有顯著的影;The way people communicate today, mostly by LINE of communication software to interactive, so the first time he met with the customer, or a new awareness of the friend, often customary pulled out his business card from me. Because business card will cover their own contact and photo to facilitate the follow-up contacts. So small a covered by the contact information appears to be similar to how to design should be the first time to highlight their own characteristics? The study will explore the business card design the functions of the business and the performance characteristics of consciousness in order to understand the effects of different business card design, how others for business people will have different functions and performance characteristics of consciousness. This research to standard lab study law design four labs, its main findings are as follows: 1. Business picture location and background color for a significant impact on the functional characteristics of the interaction of consciousness, but for no performance impact. 2. Business location of photos and photo rendering forms for impact performance of the consciousness of significant interaction, but does not affect the characteristics of the functions. 3. Contact outer box and photo people wear on the functions and performance characteristics of the consciousness of significant impact. 4. Hands gesture and photo people wear on the functions and performance characteristics of the consciousness of significant impact.