觀光產業在21世紀已漸漸成為主流,促進觀光產業的發展,已經是各國政府主要施政目標之ㄧ。旅館業是觀光產業的重要代表,尤其近年來產業變動劇烈,該如何評估旅館績效並找出最有利的發展模式,便成為關鍵議題。本研究以資料包絡分析法之網絡及動態兩種模式,探討旅館營運績效及其長期策略變化,同時與傳統之非射線模式 (SBM) 進行比較。透過自由調整之跨部門鏈結變數 (住房人數) 與長期延續可彈性變化的策略變數 (團體與散客比例),分析企業內部改變或是外在環境變化時,經營策略之良莠。研究發現,無論是以網絡或是動態任何模式做為績效評估方式,均較傳統之SBM模式較有鑑別力。此外,經由拆解旅館績效為客房與餐飲兩大營業部門,不但可清楚分析績效變化之原因,更可透過此一拆解,將原本遺漏之資訊補全,健全部門的成本與績效控管。而在長期績效分析方面,則利用此長期延續變數做為檢視旅館營運策略方向,打破固有迷思,建立以績效為導向且隨外在環境調整之策略。;The hospitality industry in the 21st century has gradually become mainstream. A primary policy objective of governments is to promote the development of the hospitality industry. The hotel industry is an important representative of the hospitality industry. Especially in recent years, industry changes violently, how to assess hotel performance, and how to identify the most favorable development model have become key issues. In this paper, we analyzed the performance of the hotel and its long-term strategy changes and compared it with the traditional slack-based measure (SBM) model in the network and dynamic models. Through the freely adjusted cross-sectoral link variables (number of housing) and long-term flexibility to change of the carryover variables (group and individual ratio), we conducted an analysis of internal changes or external environment changes to investigate the difference between their business strategies. This study found that both the network and dynamic models as performance evaluators are more discriminatory than the traditional SBM model. In addition, through analyzing the hotel′s performance in its two major business units (rooms and F&B), we can clearly analyze the reasons for the changes in performance, and through this disassembly, obtain the original missing information to improve the cost of department control and performance analysis. In the long-term performance analysis, the use of this long-term continuity variable as a view of the hotel business strategy direction breaks the inherent myth with the establishment of performance-orientation and with the external environment adjustment strategy.