在研究2004至2013年的中醫健保資料庫時,透過人工智慧分析發現中藥處方有年份的分群現象,研究的目的是希望確認與處方分群有關的變因。 透過經濟指標數據分析顯示,在各項社會經濟變數中,國內生產毛額和國民所得毛額分群的方式與中藥處方相同。由於這些指標衡量了社會的繁榮程度,所以這些指標可以影響到人們的健康。研究表明,通過中藥處方模型,確定了經濟壓力與人口健康的關聯。 ;In the study of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) prescriptions in the National Health Insurance database (2004 - 2013), the method of Artificial Intelligence (AI) found that TCM prescriptions clustered into years when the prescriptions were made. The aim of the study is to identify the factors that are associated with this clustering finding. Analysis of economics index data shows that, among the various socioeconomic variables, the Gross National Product (GDP) and Gross National Income (GNI) clusters in the same ways as TCM prescriptions. As these indexes measure prosperity of the society, the up and down of them can have an impact on the health of the population. The study suggests that, through TCM prescription patterns, an association is identified linking economic stress and population health.