台灣目前以信用卡支付為主,信用卡已盛行多年,法律規範及消費者保護程度相對完備。鑒於科技及電子商務的蓬勃發展,從B2B、B2C到C2C的模式中,網路購物的交易方式也多樣化,造就許多新興支付工具出現,改變消費者的消費模式。 第三方支付在國外盛行多年,台灣受限法律規範才漸漸起步,消費者不了解其使用或保障之情況下,如何增加使用第三方支付的意願?因此本研究採取深度訪談的方式,以消費者的角度對第三方支付企業及監管機關進行資料收集,目的在瞭解信用卡盛行的情況下,影響消費者對第三方支付使用意願的因素為何?期望能提供更多經營第三方支付之企業或監管機關做為參考,以利未來第三方支付的發展。 ;Taiwan′s consumer payments are mainly paid by credit card. Credit card has been popular for many years, so laws and consumer protection is relatively complete. With the fast growth of technology and e-commerce from B2B, B2C to C2C model, online shopping transactions are diversified, creating a number of emerging payment tools to change the consumer′s consumption patterns. Third-party payment services have become very popular for a long time. But customers in Taiwan do not know well about how to use that. This research gets data by visiting and discussing with people and collecting data from the customers’ views in order to realize what affect customers’ will to use third-party payment services in the circumstances of the credit cards is prevailing. Wish the research can offer enterprise as reference to develop the third-party payment.