全球銀行創新之父 –Brett King 提出的概念:"Banking is no longer a place you go to, but something you do." 對於新一代的消費者來說,金融服務將不只是一個「地方」,而是一種「行為」,金融服務不必然是透過傳統實體營業據點,反而以近年來最熱門的第三方支付、虛擬貨幣,P2P、群眾募資、大數據金融以及互聯網金融,FinTech可說是一種新型的金融服務,具有強烈顛覆性創新的特性。 故本研究統整FinTech新興金融模式之概念,應用與發展,期盼提昇台灣金融科技產業發展能量朝向正面健全之目標邁進。 ;Founder of global banking innovation, Brett King says "Banking is no longer a place you go to, but something you do." For a new generation of consumer that financial services will be more than just a" place ", but rather a" A kind of "behavior". Financial services are no need to through the traditional entity business base, and in stead of the most popular third-party payment, virtual currency, P2P, mass fundraising, Big data finance and Internet finance in recent years. FinTech can be said to be a new Financial services, with a strong subversive innovation characteristics. Therefore, this study integrates the concept, application and development of FinTech′s emerging financial model, and looks forward to raising the energy of Taiwan′s financial and technological industry towards a positive goal.