這個實驗大致上分成兩個階段,第一個階段是放大器的設計與製作,第二個階段是元件直流特性與雜訊的量測與分析。由於事先已經對欲量測樣品的直流特性有一定程度的瞭解,所以基本上我們設計放大器的方向即由已知的元件特性決定。雖然在放大器製作上花了很長的時間,但後續的量測結果,驗證之前在放大器上所下的心血是值得的。量測奈米尺寸的場效應元件,並且調控閘極電壓與源汲極電壓,觀察雜訊的頻譜形式在各種不同偏壓的情況下有何關連,成功的觀察到勞倫茲形式的頻譜,也藉由數據的分析,推測電子在侷限態與傳輸通道之間穿隧的行為。 This experiment is divided into two stages: the first stage is the design and the manufacture of the preamplifier; the second stage is measurement and analysis of direct current characteristics and the low frequency noise spectrum. The direction of amplifier design is decided by the known device characteristics. Although we have taken a very long time on the design and the manufacture of preamplifier, the experimental results have shown that it is worth to make preamplifier. We change the gate, source and drain voltage to observe the relation between the low frequency noise and various bias conditions. The experimental results showed Lorentzian spectrum, and the dynamic behavior of electrons and traps can be estimated by data analysis.