本研究將會實作以Apple Pay行動支付方式為主的電子商務iOS App,透過實務面之呈現及對於應用面的探討,詳述其特性與商業邏輯運作流程,並且針對實作流程作出詳盡的說明。促進各方了解Apple Pay於iOS App上之應用,以此為相關研究之基礎,創造更全面的電子商務商機。;Since information technology has developed significantly changing not only business activity but also the traditional consumer behavior. People who is no longer subject to the constraints of time and space which has provide more choice and convenience by using increasing popularity of mobile devices.
A comprehensive and efficient consumer market like Taiwan, it is basic requirements of digital platform which is convenience and having strategy pricing for consumer. However, the current payment system is lack of trust to the manufacturer and less secure payment methods. Apple Pay is a new payment method that can dominate consumer purchase decisions to improve customer trust and satisfaction which is differ from the traditional payment method with concern about the information security.
This study will build an ecommerce app in iOS which is using Apple Pay as the payment method to elaborate on its characteristics and process of business logic though the practical presentation and application. It is the fundamental of this research to promote understanding of application by using Apple pay that create opportunities for comprehensive E-Commerce.