本研究基於熱探針量測法建立一適用於可壓實大地材料之連續性熱探針量測法。本法將熱探針直接埋入於試體中,於壓實過程中在不同之壓實程度時進行量測。除可避免因試體及熱探棒間存在淨空熱阻造成量測結果之誤差外,亦可在單一試體相同重量含水量時獲得不同黏土乾密度下之熱傳導係數。利用本方法,可針對以黏土及砂或碎石混合所製成使用於高放射性廢料處置之緩衝?回填材料進行熱傳導係數量測。 由於黏土及砂或碎石混合物可視為多相複合材料,本研究利用微觀力學模式之概念將黏土部份視為基質材料,砂或碎石視為加強材料。針對基質材料部份,本研究利用McInnes模式之概念配合黏土之物理性質建立基質預測模式後,以微觀力學模式計算不同基質與顆粒加強材體積混合比下之熱傳導係數,並以試驗及文獻數據進行驗證。 In this thesis, continuous embedded line-source measurement for thermal conductivity is introduced with the development progress while various kind of affecting factors evaluated. This method is suitable for compactable geomaterials like buffer materials for nuclear waste disposal concept. With the precision and methodology of the method, a series of designed test on soils with different moisture content and mixture batch are executed to develop a model for prediction. The model is constructed with a refined empirical model for the matrix and the micromechanical model for the global mixture.