近年來共享經濟成為時下最熱門的話題,從許多生活中的例子可以得知,例如:出門不用自己開車,打開手機App就可以叫Uber司機載你到任何目的地;旅遊時不必再煩惱住宿太貴的問題,只要到Airbnb的平台上就可以找到許多便宜又舒適的房間。而「共乘」雖已不是新的概念,但受益於共享經濟的火紅程度,使得有越來越多的人願意從事共乘,也有越來越多的媒合平台產生,來解決這樣的需求。 在網際網路與手持行動載具的普及下,仍有許多隱憂值得注意與討論,已有許多的文獻及書籍曾探討相關主題中,認為信任及隱私是決定共享經濟能否成功的關鍵因素。因此,本研究旨在探討共享經濟下,使用者對於信任、隱私的認知程度,進而評估其共乘之意願。 研究結果發現,知覺信任會對於共乘的行為意圖產生正向且顯著之影響,且知覺安全、滿意度兩者也皆會對知覺信任產生正向且顯著的影響,而知覺隱私與聲譽則無法被實證對於知覺信任有正向且顯著之影響;因此可知個人在共乘時最注重知覺信任、知覺安全以及滿意度這三項變數,所以認為知覺隱私以及聲譽並非個人在共乘時主要的考量因素。 ;In recent years, sharing economy has become the most popular topic. People can go out without driving their own cars, open the phone App can call the Uber driver to take you to anywhere. People who traveling do not have to worry about staying too expensive, when they use the Airbnb platform, they can find many cheap and comfortable rooms. ‘Carpool’ is not a new concept, but it benefits from the sharing economy, making more and more people willing to engage in carpooling. There are more and more platforms to solve these needs. In the popularity of Internet and handheld mobile device, there are still many worries worthy of attention and discussion, there are many literature have been discussed in the relevant topics, that trust and privacy is to determine the success of the economy can be a key factor in the success. Therefore, this study aims to explore sharing economy, the user for the trust, privacy awareness, and then assess its willingness to share. The results show that the perceived trust will have a positive and significant effect on the behavioral intention of carpooling. Both the perceived safety and the satisfaction will have a positive and significant effect on the perceived trust. The perceived privacy and reputation cannot be proved that the positive and significant effect on the perceptual trust. It is known that the individual is most concerned about the three variables of perceived trust, perceived safety and satisfaction, so that the perceived privacy and reputation are not the main considerations factor.