企業流程管理(Business Process Management, BPM),是業務流程端到端(End to End)的管理,利用資訊科技運用在企業流程上的管理。藉由BPM系統的導入,可有效改善保險企業內部業務作業流程以及統整各獨立資訊系統,更進一步將企業內部作業流程與企業資訊系統透過流程設計、導入、監控、改善的循環,持續改善、優化企業作業流程。 本研究透過個案研究,探討個案公司客戶服務二代系統藉由導入BPM系統,以文件影像整合BPM與商業規則引擎為基礎,將新契約、保費、保全、理賠等保單行政作業流程重新塑模後,架構出高效率的客戶服務二代系統。 經由本研究結果發現個案客戶服務二代系統導入BPM終止合約,雖然只完成BPM導入新契約作業,但是第一階段BPM導入新契約作業有大幅改善新契約作業在受理高峰人力調度,利用影像進件,解決紙本往來傳遞時間,並且優化新契約作業流程、簡化核保程序、精簡建檔流程、節省人力與時間成本,有效提升核保效率與降低行政作業成本。 本研究以個案公司客戶服務二代系統導入BPM改善公司作業流程之過程與結果之經驗,希望作為未來研究的參考提供日後其他保險公司規劃BPM導入或建置平台作為參考。;Business Process Management (BPM) applies information technology to manage end-to-end business processes. It is capable of improving internal business operation processes and integrating individual information systems in insurance companies. It optimizes business operation processes through the circle of designing, importing, monitoring and improving. This research studies a second-generation customer service system. The system uses case images to integrate BPM and Rule Engine operation process of New Business, Premium collecting, Policy Servicing, and Claim. The process is remodeled through importing BPM step by step into the business architecture in order to achieve high efficiency. Although the second-generation customer service system introducing into the BPM was, the New Business operation process has optimized and simplified the underwriting procedure, and the filing procedure has also been optimized by using images to deal with cases arrangement. Besides, the best uses of costs of head count, time, and resource have been achieved. To sum up, this case study has provided experience regarding introducing a second-generation customer service system into the BPM for other insurance companies as a reference of adopting such a system in the future.