摘要: | 照明是推動人類文明進步的主要因素之一,人類獲取光的方式從原始時代的火把、蠟燭到十九世紀的電氣照明,人類因為有了安全、高亮度、相對便宜且便利的照明方式,促進了現代文明的加速發展。 電氣照明從1879年第一代的白熾燈開始,經歷了日光燈(螢光燈、低壓氣體放電燈)、高壓氣體放電燈(HID),到了目前第四代的LED照明(固態照明) 。LED相對於前幾代的照明產品,LED具有省電低碳、環保、壽命長及可靠性更高等等優點。 產品的時效跟品質是維持客戶斥續訂單及業界口碑最重要的因素。客戶的第一張訂單可能被你的宣傳、性價比、差異化所吸引,但是繼續留住客戶,除了成本也必須伴隨品質跟速度這兩個因素。 LED照明市場現處於蓬勃火熱發展時期,產品的生命週期極短,客戶給的交貨時間往往非常緊迫,在這樣短的時間完成產品開發到交貨,對大多數的公司來講都是難度比較高的,合適合用的產品驗證方法能有效提升產品品質並縮短上市交貨時間。 但是相對於LED零件本身有著比較完善的可靠性與壽命驗證標準,LED照明燈具的驗證相對空白。相關廠家通常以經驗累積方式來定義自己本身的驗證方式,驗證效果通常依廠家的能力而有所不同。 LED產品製造商正面臨照明業務的挑戰。基於過往的產品驗證統計資料的分析及經驗,本研究提出了一個新的驗證過程。該建議經過測試,有效地減少了驗證時間和上市時間,同時減少了客戶投訴。;Lighting can be considered a major factor in the progress of human civilization. Human beings light up their life through various means, from torches and candles, to electric lighting. Since the invention of light bulbs in the nineteenth century, we have been enjoying safe, cheap, bright, convenient and reliable sources of lighting. These accelerated development of modern human civilization. Electrical lighting began in 1879, with invention of the first generation of incandescent lamps. Through usage of fluorescent lamp, low pressure gas discharge lamp, high pressure gas discharge lamp (HID), we now enter the current mainstream of fourth generation lighting of LED (solid state lighting). Relative to the previous generations of lighting, LED technology has the advantages of low power consumption, environmental friendly, long life and higher reliability. In a supply chain, time-to-market of a product is the most important factor in maintaining customer orders and the industry reputation of its manufacturer. A customer may place a first order by the supplier`s promotions, special features, product differentiation and cost-effectiveness that it claims. However, to retain repeated customers, quality and timeliness become the main considerations. The LED lighting market is currently in a state of heated competition, with very short product life cycles and new product delivery times. Hence, it becomes a challenge for suppliers to complete new product development, while maintaining high product quality. A suitable new product verification process is expected to effectively keep level of product quality in a shortest possible time, in order to reduce time-to-market. The LED components themselves have relatively complete verification standards for reliability and product lives. However, there is no standard verification processes for LED lighting products. Each manufacturer define its own process based on past experience, ending with varying results. The lighting business of Company is among these LED product manufacturers, facing these challenges. This study proposes a new verification process based on experience and analysis of previous verification data. The proposal was tested, and effectively reduced verification time and time-to-market, while reduced customer complaints. |