紡織工業在台灣已發展超過50年,經過多年的努力為台灣創造了相當高的經濟價值,而染整產業在紡織工業中更佔據了相當重要的角色,經過染整加工能大幅提升的產品的附加價值並提升紡織工業在國際市場的競爭力,但在染整產業成長的同時也產生了大量染料廢水的問題。目前廢水處理大多使用化學以及生物的方法,此二法可以處理大部分的污水使之達到放流的標準,但對於染整廢水其高色度的特性就顯得相當棘手,因此在處理染料廢水問題上通常需仰賴高級處理方法的使用才能解決。 傳統之高級處理方法中以吸附的效果表現較好,但使用活性碳吸附之成本較高,而且染整加工過程產生的廢水具有排放量大、含有纖維雜質、酸鹼類、大量的殘餘染料等特性,大多數方法很難完善處理染料廢水。本研究以中壢紅土進行fenton-like氧化法處理染料廢水,而中壢紅土具有容易獲得、成本低之優點,因此可以解決許多高級處理法成本過高的問題。本研究結果顯示不同的過氧化氫及紅土添加量會影響染料的去除效果。紅土顆粒大小影響反應的進行,在吸附與fenton-like氧化效果均以顆粒小者為佳。紅土的吸附效果與fenton-like氧化會互相影響,當吸附效果好時fenton-like氧化效果會降低。在以攝氏400度及700度鍛燒紅土進行fenton-like反應,以400度鍛燒土處理能力較好。三種染料的去除效果比較,以結晶紫最佳。最後本研究將紅土壓碇成粒狀,經過鍛燒後製成可以重複使用的紅土粒,實驗結果在重複使用四次時仍能達到75%以上的去除率。 ;The textile industry in Taiwan has been developed over 50 years, and it created high economic value for many years. Textiles plays an important role in apparel industry, because of the ability for moving towards high value-added products. Unfortunately, human appealing and wear glamorous clothes have ended up causing harm to the environment. The textile industry is one of the most pollutants releasing industries of the world. Most of primary and secondary treatment processes can deal with wastewaters. However, textile dyeing wastewater which containing versatile components, including many aerosols, high chroma, high BOD and COD, it lead difficult to remove textile dyeing wastewater only by use primary and secondary treatment. Therefore, it’s important to create a novel way to treat textile dyeing wastewater. In this study we use Fenton-like reaction to create hydroxyl radicals which are among the strongest oxidizing agents and are able to decolourise a wide range of dyes. For Fenton-like reactions we selected Chungli laterite as the iron source, which has been recognized that Fe(OH)2+ can lead to the formation of hydroxyl radical (HO∙) and Fe(Ⅱ) through a ligand-to-metal charge transfer pathway. Our investigation reveals that dye in water not only decolourisation by Fenton-like reaction but also adsorption by laterite. Meanwhile, it was observed that dyes adsorped by laterite result in low Fenton-like reaction efficiency. Additional experiments were carried out using calcination laterite by 400 degrees Celsius and 700 degrees Celsius, where Fenton-like reactions were characterized with different pH, H2O2 dosage and reaction time. Results demonstrated that the 400 degrees Celsius calcination laterite was the most effective matrix for Fenton-like reaction. It’s also show that the most effective to dyes decolourise was crystal violet. We also pressed laterite as a cake for the re-use of Fenton-like reaction, and the effective to decolourise crystal violet is still more than 75% after four times reused. Our study may offer the possibility of the great potential applications of the calcination laterite in wastewater treatment areas especially for those containing compounds which are not easy to remove by traditional treatment processes.