由於社群網路的蓬勃發展,人們越來越依賴社群網路關注時事動態,並成為人與人之間討論的議題,在社群網路的特性中,發文狀態擁有簡短、在地的特性,而累積的資料數量卻十分龐大,卻不見學者研究如何利用這些發文特性,研究議題彼此間的區域影響關係,並加以影響日常生活人們討論的關心議題。 本研究收錄美國熱門社群網路平台 Twitter 使用者張貼的訊息、區域資料,以16州使用者為例,選取適合的使用者討論的議題數量,並分群議題區域,探討鄰近城市是否會關心相似的議題,找出重要的議題區域以及各城市在議題之間的關聯。 本研究的實驗結果發現,本研究的方法能證實鄰近城市關心類似的議題,並加以找出適合的議題。這些實驗結果,應有助於地方性實體行銷活動、地方性網路廣告投放,以及政府地方性政策或服務行銷商,研判如何在有限的財務、人力、時間資源內,實現策略管理目標。;Since the rise of social media, people spend more time reading news articles from different social media platforms, making it a relevant and important for people to discuss in person. One characteristic of social networking platforms is their location-based features where one can tag their current whereabouts. Many people have been doing this in the past however, researchers have not delved into the relationship between the occurrence from one region to another; this implies that a topic occurring in some other place can affect the topic of discussion of another.
The research collects posts with location information from the users of the most popular social media platforms, such as Twitter, which enables them to find proper topics in those regions. The research results are dedicated to help local marketing strategies, local advertising postings, local service strategies, and local government strategies; mainly, projects with limited financial budget, human resource, and time to achieve specific goals.
The results of this research will help the efficiency of our current resource that will ultimately reach our goals.