本研究彙整國內外相關文獻,並以資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA),建立投入與產出的總體衡量模式,運用數據之協助,將個案醫院蒐集的門診藥費資料加以剖析。藉以了解個案醫院科別部門的營運績效變遷情形。最終的目標是要協助醫療院所在健保總額體制下改善藥費支出,以預期達到提昇醫療品質及改善營運成本;This study summarizes the relevant literatures, and uses the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), establishes the overall measurement model of input and output, and uses the data to assist in the analysis of the outpatient medical expenses collected from case hospitals. In order to understand the case of the operation of the hospital department of the performance changes. The ultimate goal is to help the health care system in the health care system under the total system to improve the expenditure to achieve the expected improvement of medical quality and improve operating costs.