摘要: | 出版產業現正面臨前所未有的挑戰,產業鏈中各環節企業皆受到衝擊,本研究旨在探討現階段出版產業環境變化對出版業經營的影響,以人力資源角度進行研析,對於經營現狀人力資源管理是否面臨問題及產生相應轉變,以及對未來發展趨勢的因應。 本研究探採質性研究方法,研究過程由蒐集資料、歸納分析產業現狀展開,以出版、行銷及讀者三面向描繪出版業經營概況,再透過人力資源管理不同面向的議題建構訪談架構,邀約業界資深、高階主管進行半結構式深度訪談,蒐集直接及間接資料,進行詮釋及歸納分析人力資源核心不同面向問題因應產業時的變化脈絡。 經由分析歸納發現,出版產業發展趨勢並非由產業主導發展方向,而是社會整體生活型態逐漸轉變呈現出的樣貎之一,現狀產業整體產值下滑快速,出版業面對經營環境現狀,在人力資源管理實務中,如:職務、工作內容、部門分工整併、招募、聘僱型態等,現階段與以往呈現不同的思維及變化。整體因應以出版為核心、多元發展為轉變主軸,透過招募條件、能力提昇及轉型等,不斷的在過程中努力找尋因應環境變遷的最適答案。對於未來發展除受訪者觀點外,本研究以人力資源角度思考提出建議,包括:培養出版業基礎人力、釐清並正確對焦核心能力,以及建立工作與合作的平衡關係等。 ;Currently, the publishing industry is facing a never-seen-before obstacle—which impacts every aspect of the industrial ecology. This research aims to study the impacts brought to the publishing business management by the ever-changing industry environment, based on the perspective of human resources, to understand the challenges and the corresponding changes derived from the existing practice in managing human resources, and solutions to tackle on the future development trend. This study utilizes the qualitative researching method of study. It begins with collecting information data, consolidating and analyzing on the current status of the industry, through the perspectives of publishing, marketing, and end-reader, to illustrate the current situation in the publishing industry, then to formulate the interviewing topics from human resource. The semi-structural interviews were conducted with senior employees or executives for direct or indirect responses, then they were further interpreted and consolidated with different problematic aspects of human resource to accommodate changing pulse in the industry. Through the consolidation and analysis, we discovered that the development trend in the publishing industry is not lead by the industry itself. In fact, it is the reflection of the social lifestyle change. The current volume of the industry is declining drastically, and publishing industry is facing different mentality and changes in current management environment in respect to human resources management practices such as job duties, work scopes, department work-scope sharing and consolidation, recruitment, and types of placement. The core focus should rely on publishing, while supporting the changes with diverse development, and seeking the best solutions in the process of evolution, through recruitment criteria, elevation in abilities, and industry transformation. In addition to the interviewee′s viewpoints on future development, this research provides the insights from the perspective of human resources, these include: cultivating talents in the publishing industry, clarifying and focusing on correcting the right caliber, and building a balanced relationship between work and partnership. |