摘要: | 本論文所探討的思想重點在於王陽明的良知思想概念,並藉由探討陽明的生平以彰顯陽明的生命價值。在良知思想方面,首先論述良知的基本義理概念,以及「萬物一體之仁」的概念,從陽明思想的基本論述中,探討其對人生命的重視與關懷。接著論述陽明知行合一、去人欲存天理、致良知的實踐工夫,此三者工夫為陽明的教法,也是陽明親身實踐所提出的工夫,透過這三者工夫使良知朗現,使人明本心,恢復良知之光明,進而達到世界大同的理想社會。最後為筆者所關注的重點─陽明思想對於現代社會的幫助,期望透過陽明的思想給予現代人對於自身生命的啟發,也期望藉此讓現代人在快速變遷的時代中建立主體,不被時代潮流所掩沒。;This paper discusses the thought that focuses on Wang Yang-Ming’s thought of “conscience” concept, and to explore by Yang-Ming’s life experience as a way of showing his life value. In the aspect of “conscience”, the first deals with the principles of “conscience”, and the concept of “all things one of benevolence”, from the basic principle of Yang-Ming’s thought, discuss the attention and concern for human lives. Then discusses the practice of Yang-Ming′s conscience thought shows, respectively is: unity, to human justice, conscience, these three time for Yang-Ming’s law, is Yang Ming practice, proposed through the three time make conscience show now, this heart, restore the conscience of the light, thus achieve the ideal society of world community. Finally the focus by the author ─ Yang-Ming thoughts for the help of modern society, through yang-ming thoughts inspired gave modern humans in their life, is also expected to let modern people in times of rapid change in the main body, is not covered by the trend of The Times. |