隨著科技及大數據技術的興起,隱私問題越來越受到大眾關注,揭露隱私存在著潛在的風險,但人們還是選擇揭露個人的敏感性資訊,這之間的矛盾現象稱為隱私悖論,對於隱私問題的擔憂與自我揭露行為這之間的不一致性尚未被完全解釋,根據文獻指出人們在揭露個人訊息時會權衡於揭露隱私產生的風險及報酬,並最大化預期的收益及成本並作出決策。 根據Trope, Liberman, and Wakslak (2007)提出的CLT理論的心理距離會影響人內心的某個感覺,事件發生的時間離現在越遠或是事件發生的機率越低,在人的心理上感覺越遙遠,事件發生的時間離現在越近或是事件發生的機率越高,在心理上感覺越近,從CLT的觀點了解個人隱私感知與其行為之間的差距,應用在自我揭露的情境中,因此本研究發展一套架構及實驗,用以探討報酬、隱私風險與自我揭露意圖之關係,並且探討心理距離對於報酬、隱私風險與自我揭露意圖之影響。 ;With the rise of technology and big data technology, privacy issues have attracted more and more attention from the public. There are potential risks in revealing privacy. However, people still choose to disclose personal sensitive information. The gap between privacy concerns and privacy-related behavior is known as the "privacy paradox". The inconsistency between privacy concerns and self-disclosure behavior has not fully explained. The literature argue that when people disclose personal information, they will consider the risks and rewards of revealing privacy. According to the psychological distance of CLT theory proposed by Trope et al. (2007), it will affect a certain feeling psychologically. The greater the temporal or hypothetical from an event, the more distant it appears and the more abstractly. For example, an event is more psychologically distant as it takes place farther into the future, and as it is less likely to occur. Using a CLT perspective in the context of self-disclosure, we develop a framework and experiment to understand the relationship between rewards, privacy risks and self-disclosure intentions, and exploring the impact of psychological distance on rewards, privacy risks and self-disclosure intentions.