近年來,隨著自動化工業的發展,無人搬運車在工廠中是不可或缺的重要角色,因此室內定位的功能也日漸發展起來。而每台工具機具有不同之磁場大小與方向,故本研究希望提出一種量測方法去辨別磁場,進而應用於式內定位上,可減少另外加裝定位系統的硬體成本。 基於低成本、高靈敏度可大量生產之優勢,本研究選擇平面式單軸磁通閘感測器元件,並使用亥姆霍茲線圈來產生一待測磁場以供實驗量測。量測時,由前端功率放大電路提供一7Vp-p、50kHz、920mA之正弦波給感測器的激發線圈,對於輸出感應電壓,本實驗透過帶通濾波器做訊號處理將雜訊濾除,可以使得感測器在非線性誤差度在5%以內有0~140μT的量測範圍以及0.359mV/μT的靈敏度。 最後,本研究成功藉由量測三軸分量來推算出待測磁場的大小與方向,並且透過初始化測量的階段將地磁的干擾排除,另以LabVIEW軟體撰寫人機介面,讓使用者可以即時量測並觀察磁場。 ;In this paper, we proposed a method to measure three-dimensional magnetic field by using single-axis planar fluxgate magnetic sensor. We used the Butterworth band-pass filter to reduce noises. As a result, the magnetic sensitivity of proposed planar sensing element is about 0.359mV/μT and linear range is 0-140μT at 50kHz and 920mA current excitation, which is produced by power amplifier circuit. Finally, we successfully calculated the magnitude and direction of the spatial magnetic field by measuring its three-dimensional distributions, and eliminated Earth’s magnetic field at initialization measurement. In addition, users can measure and observe the magnetic field with LabVIEW interface which we designed.