本論文主要針對反射杯式與全反射透鏡式車前燈進行比較與分析,探討兩款二次光學機構在光學設計上之特性與先天優劣。我們並提出以線性位移不變系統的概念,結合相關性與捲積運算進行光形疊加之光學模擬方式,探討在複雜的照明系統中能否有一定大小的線性位移不變範圍。本論文中透過宮格式方法來探討光學系統對應到光源面上之線性位移不變範圍,並與同等面積之朗伯面光源之光形做比較,研究結果顯示其NCC值高達95 %且光形最大照度值之相對誤差約為6.45 %。此方法有潛力為複雜的照明光學設計中之光學模擬提供一個新的發展方向。;This thesis is study the characteristics of the two secondary optical designs developed in the past, which include a reflection cup and a refraction lens. We propose a way by use linear & shift-invariant system concept, combined with correlation and convolution operation to perform the optical simulation of light pattern superposition, and study if the linear & shift-invariant concept is applicable. We divide the light source into multiple segments to check linear & shift-invariant property. The simulation result of the light pattern is compared with that by the Lambertain light source. According to the simulated results, the NCC value is higher than 95 % and the relative deviation of maximum illuminance value is around 6.45 %. Therefore, the proposed method is potentially helpful to optical design for a complicated illumination system.