LED原本大都作為指示、標示方面的光源,但是在現今,LED已成為人類的生活環境中的重要光源之一,也因此有著許多的研究都在嘗試著去了解、去解釋、去調控有關LED的特性。而本研究也是希望能進而讓我們能更進一步了解、認識LED老化行為的特性。本論文中,希望能藉由控制LED鋁基板的溫度,並搭配著電控系統及自動化量測系統等,將在驅動中的LED的光譜及電流、電壓等的指標特性資料做即時的記錄,接著再進一步將所記錄的資料進行運算、擬合、篩選,並且試著將這些關係、特性進行整合,以便能建立出LED的加速老化模型,並以此加速老化模式有效縮短壽命評估之量測時間。;As being indicators and markers initially, the light sources of lighting-emitting diodes has become one of the most important light sources in the contempary world. Although many studies have tried to understand, explain and regulate the characteristics of LEDs, we still need to much further understand the characteristics of aging behavior of LEDs in practical applications. In this thesis, the aging chracteristics of LEDs has been studied in details. By well-controlling the junction temperature (aluminum substrate) and the driving electric current of the LEDs in the accerlating aging conditions, the corresponding emission spectra of the LEDs have been automatically measured and recorded during the whole working time. Then, analyzing the relationship of the dependence of the lifetime of LED upon the junction temperature and the driving current, one empirical accerlating aging model is proposed. Under such circumstances, it is to effectively shorten the practical evaluation process on the lifetime of LEDs.