複雜疾病,如癌症、神經退化性疾病、糖尿病以及心血管疾病等都和數千個基因間的相互作用改變有著很密切的關係。雖然許多遺傳和環境因素上的變異都跟複雜疾病有關,但與這些疾病有關的遺傳病因仍然是很大的未知。在此,我們收集19組基因表現量數據集包含了6種複雜疾病(第二型糖尿病、慢性腎臟病、阿茲海默症、甲狀腺癌、高雪氏症以及多發性硬化症)進行功能基因組分析,探索疾病功能的相似性與差異性,並鑑定跟功能相關的基因型獨特重要基因。我們的研究結果提出了許多實驗驗證文獻,並為六種複雜疾病的預防、診斷和治療提供了有用的信息。;Complex diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease are associated with altered interactions between thousands of genes. Although variants in many genetic and environmental factors have been associated with complex diseases, inter-disease relations remains largely unexplored. Here, based on nineteen gene expression datasets on six complex diseases – type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, thyroid cancer, Gaucher disease, and multiple sclerosis – we construct functional genomic analysis of the diseases, explore functional similarity/dissimilarity among the diseases, and identify function-associated genotype-unique significant genes for the diseases. Our results suggest many validating experiments and provide useful information for the prevention, diagnostic, and treatment of the six complex diseases.