矛盾領導行為是近幾年才開始關注的議題,過去很少針對主管和下屬之間的關係做研究,然而這些年來,矛盾的領導行為已經引起了很多關注和討論。因此本研究希望藉由擴大矛盾領導行為的探討,進而了解在此過程中,主管部屬之間產生的變化是如何影響任務性績效,期望能夠提供人力資本的參考變數,作為複雜環境中人力資源措施的依據之一。 本研究主要採取二階段的配對問卷,針對台灣民營企業主管及部屬發放紙本或線上問卷,總共發出845份問卷,回收473份有效的主管與部屬的配對問卷,有效樣本回收率55.98%。迴歸分析的結果顯示: (1) 主管的矛盾領導行為對於部屬的任務性績效具有正向影響; (2) 部屬的複雜整合力在主管的矛盾領導行為與部屬的任務性績效間之中介效果成立,理論與實務的管理意涵亦將在本研究中討論。;In the past, few studies were done at the relationship between the supervisor and the subordinate. However Paradoxical Leadership Behavior has been paid much attention and discussed a lot in these years. It’s my intention to expand the study of paradoxical leadership behaviors in order to find out how it affects the task performance, when the relationship between the supervisor and the subordinate change. Also this study will provide the variables as reference for human resource unit in such a complicated working environment. My research is divided into two sections and each section is constructed by a paired questionnaire filled in either through paper or on line by the supervisors and subordinates from various companies in Taiwan. Surveys were distributed to 845 employees. Ultimately, 473 surveys were returned, yielding a response rate of 55.98 percent. The results of regression analysis indicate that (1) The supervisor’s paradoxical leadership behavior positively effect on the subordinate’s task performance.(2) Integrative complexity does exist as a full mediator between paradoxical leadership behavior and task performance Implications for theory and practice are discussed.