閥門是工業管道控制輸送的關鍵設備,閥門產業一直定位在傳統產業領域,隨著工業4.0的口號興起,中國的閥門產業在中國政府的推動下以「中國製造2025」政策為標準,從2014年開始推動智能製造計畫,推動兩化融合為標的,以信息化帶動工業化,再以工業化促進信息化的PDCA循環,讓信息化和工業化在管理、技術、製造、產品等各層面相互融合,促進閥門產業的變革,將中國閥門產業智能製造帶向領先世界的地位。 反觀台灣閥門產業還在價格戰中進行廝殺,尚未有閥門廠對智能製造有進行深度的改造計畫,本文研究重點是在中國閥門廠的智能製造走向趨勢規劃下,台灣閥門產業都屬中小型企業,要如何面對中國大型閥門廠在充分的資源及政策引領下,在較少的資源條件下,將生產過程透過引進數位化工具,使生產過程中的報表以電子數據化呈現,邁向無紙化,透過MQC軟體導入,將數位工具產生資料與ERP等系統進行連結,使生產過程數位化管理,生產過程中的數據被電子化紀錄後,藉由數據資料的分析,進而獲得改善的著眼點,帶動台灣閥門廠的轉型,走向智能管理與製造。;Valves are the key devices in the industrial piping systems to control the transportation, and the valve business has been always positioned in the field of conventional industry. With the emergence of Industry 4.0, the valve business in China has been developed by following the China governmental policy “2025 Made In China” to start a new page. Since 2014 the intelligence manufacturing plan has been launched, the goal is to integrate the informatization and industrialization in the managing, technical, manufacturing, and product. The industrialization drives the informatization and the industrialization enhances the PDCA cycle of informatization. that revolute China valve business into the intelligent manufacturing to compete the world leading role.
In contrast, most Taiwanese valve enterprises are still struggling in the price battle instead of making further transform plan about the intelligent manufacturing. The study here focuses on how small and medium-sized valve enterprises in Taiwan under the limited resources face the challenge from China large-sized valve enterprises under sufficient resources and strong governmental support in the trend of intelligent manufacturing. The case company A utilized the digital equipment to output the production process in the electronic data to step in the paperless, and loaded in the MQC software to combine the digital output data with the ERP system to manage the manufacturing process by analyzing electronic data output during the production to improve, that has driven the Taiwanese valve business into the intelligent management and manufacturing.