本研究以個案分析來探討企業環保法規遵循的執行流程,從蒐集並瞭解法律法規開始,再找出個案問題,提出個案解決方案。本研究發現,個案公司在完成階段性的改善過程後,大量減少了污水處理的藥劑用量,也同步減少了高額的污泥廢棄物的焚燒處理費用;產品類別損益表自產墨水的原料佔比由2016年63%降至2017年59%;製程污染減排不僅降低了企業自身環保處理壓力,還能創造企業淨利增長的直接效益;各項排污指標都能達成環保排污管制的要求,產能大幅增加而污染當量反而減少。因此,環保投資與營運績效共生共榮的關係,案例呈現綠色化學永續環境的正面效益;This study investigates the implementation process of environmental protection regulations by starting with indentifying problems, collecting and understanding the related regulations, and finally coming up with the solutions. The results show that after the completion of the improvement process, the expenditures for the treatment of sewage and waste was reduced significantly; the proportion of the ink material used decreased from 63% in 2016 to 59% in 2017. These results suggest that the process pollution reduction project not only released the company’s pressure in environmental treatment but also enhanced its profits. Therefore, environmental investments and improved corporate performance can coexist and the findings in this study indicate the positive benefits of “green chemical sustainable environment”.