如何協助員工達成職涯上的成功,進而促成組織的成功,是人才管理上的一項重要課題。因為高潛能員工具有高認知決策力、高學習驅策力、高挫折復原力、高影響力及高社會力,因此較容易有晉升的機會,而獲得職涯的成功。 潛能是能在未來脫穎而出與眾人不同的能力與特質,目前尚未彰顯表現出來,根據冰山理論潛能是屬於個人潛質具有隱藏及不易發現的特性,因此本研究欲探討潛能是否會透過任務性績效這個訊號,而影響員工的職涯成功。 本研究結果顯示,任務性績效與晉升力評分具有顯著的相關。另外,研究結果也顯示,任務性績效在潛能與晉升力評分具有部分中介的效果。 ;How to help employees reach the success of their careers and promote the success of the organization is an important topic in talent management. Because high potential employees have high cognitive ability, high learning ability, high drive for excellence, high influence and high social ability, they are more likely to have opportunities for promotion and succeed in their career. Potential is the ability and trait that can stand out from the crowd in the future, which is a hidden and undiscovered character based on the potential of the iceberg theory. Thus this study is to examine task performance mediates the relationship between employees’ potential and their career success. The result of this study shows that the task performance has positively associated with promotability ratings. Additionally, the result of this study also indicates that task performance has partially mediating effect between employees’potential and their career success.