資訊科技與網際網路的發展,對人類的生活產生了改變。使用者對於網際網路使用的依賴性,不論是行動上網或居家上網的使用率及黏著度的比率也越來越高,故實體商店或電子商務平台的系統整合需求也越來越受關注,所以各系統服務廠商或電子商務平台需提供7x24小時的服務來滿足顧客。因此,需有更高效能、高可用性及高穩定性的應用程式伺服器來提供服務。 在本研究個案中,個案公司為提供良好的服務平台,在專案建置的過程中,需將所開發的服務應用程式部署於應用程式伺服器中。本研究以個案研究法蒐集資料,擬探討個案公司在選擇JBoss應用程式伺服器的過程所依據的準則。導入的過程中,針對所面臨的困難及挑戰,採用了哪些解決方法。導入JBoss應用程式伺服器後,個案公司產生了哪些實質上的效益。 經由彙整資料及分析,本研究發現維運人員本身的專業知識及專業技能,是選擇應用程式伺服器的關鍵因素之一。最後針對研究發現提出管理意涵,以提供未來的研究者做為參考。 ;The development of the information technology and the Internet changes the life of human beings. The user relies more on the Internet with higher usage and stickness when they surfs the Internet on the go or at home. The system integration needs of the brick and mortar businesses or e-commerce platforms are getting much more attention. Therefore, each system service provider or e-commerce platform must provide 24-hour services to meet customer needs. An application server with higher performance, availability, and stability should be used to provide services.
In this case study, the company should deploy its developed service applications in its application server during the project to provide a good service platform. This study uses the case study methodology to gather data, and discusses the guidelines observed when the company selected the JBoss application server. During its importation, what solutions were used when facing the difficulties and challenges? After the introduction of the JBoss application server, what benefits did the company gain actually?
By compilation and analysis of data, this study finds out that the expertise and professional skills of the operation and maintenance personnel are the key factor when selecting the application server. Finally, it presents the management implications for the findings as a reference for the future researchers.