本論文主要研製一個麥克風陣列之波束成型系統,麥克風陣列是一個非常敏感的系統,受致於麥克風的放大倍率、延遲時間以及擺放位置有所不同,所呈現的指向性會有極大的不同,並且麥克風陣列常會有白雜訊增益的問題。因此本論文藉由設計與實現均勻線性的差分麥克風陣列波束成型系統,分析硬體電路以及演算法架構對雜訊的影響且比較常見的兩種差分麥克風陣列架構並對其做出改良,以改善原有架構的缺點,並使開發人員在設計時對於不同的需求,有更多樣化的選擇。;This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of a differential microphone array beamforming system. The microphone array system is sensitive to the microphone′s gain, delay time, and placement position. Those factor quite influence presented directivity. Moreover, the microphone array often suffers from white noise gain. Therefore, this paper designs and implements a uniform linear differential microphone array beamforming system. It analyzes the effect of algorithm on noise. Introduce the common two kinds of differential microphone array structure and make improvements to it. Allows developers to have more diversified choices for different needs when designing.