我們應用物件導向的觀念和技術,設計一套網路程式,提供數學概念工具箱、文字題與題目中的關鍵量詞物件,請學習者依據這些材料來解題。這套程式將解題過程中的程序性計算步驟全部隱藏在物件之內,促使學習者專注在數學概念的組合、和關鍵量詞的相對關係上。所有的操作都以滑鼠的點選和拖放完成,而且這套程式不預設一定的解題步驟或方法。解題過程中的所有動作,都依序儲存在伺服機內,以便做後續的分析、診斷或重播。 With the application of concepts and techniques of object-oriented programming, we design a network program that provides toolbox of mathematical concepts, word problems and the associated key quantity objects. The program invites people (problem solvers) to solve the word problems by the provided materials. By doing so, all arithmetic procedures are encapsulated inside the objects, and the problem solvers are lead to concentrate on the relations among mathematical concepts and key quantities, they are temporarily released from the burden of calculations. All operations are done with click-and-choose and drag-and-drop by a pointing device. The program does not presume any procedure for the solution of a problem. All actions are sequentially recorded on a remote server as raw data. Later on, one can analyze the raw data for further studies, or they can be used to replay the actions of a solver.