土木結構物,尤其是橋梁結構的監測與維護管理,因其佈設之感測器數目龐大、結構構件複雜的條件及背景下,實地執行上相當困難、繁瑣,因此橋梁的維護管理如檢測、評估與監測自動化更顯重要。公共工程建設之監測系統首要條件是可靠度需求高,目前國內外研究單位對於橋梁之快速檢測、監測預警與電腦化評估系統等正進行研究,若能發展可靠且自動化之橋梁變形安全監測技術,相信對於國內橋梁安全及行車人員安全能多一份保障。 近年來光纖感測器已應用於智慧結構及相關土木工程的各領域,作為即時或長期的感測元件,就本論文應用之SOFO光纖感測器而言,於歐洲已有案例可供印證。本論文希望藉由光纖感測器於實驗室之驗證,進一步推廣至國內監測體系上應用,並藉由新的技術使橋梁安全監測發揮更大的效用。 本論文引入的感測器系統,光纖應變感測器,其乃以雙麥克生干涉儀為原理之即時(real time)量測,利用光纖感測器量得之應變計算曲率,再由曲率積分兩次獲得變位的方式,對橋梁做分佈式的多點量測。文章中更介紹相同原理架構下,利用傳統傾斜計量得之傾角讀數以監測變位的方法及案例。 The management and the ensurance of the safety of civil infrastructures demand a periodical monitoring of structures. However most conventional sensoring devices are often of bulky, sensitive to electromagnetic field, temperature changes and generally the spatial resolution is poor. In many applications, the resulting complexity and costs limit the frequency of these measurements. It is of interest for us to provide a new sensing technique, the fiber optic sensors, to give a more precise and stable measurement. In many civil structures like bridges, tunnels and dams, the deformations are the most relevant parameter to be monitored in both short and long-term. It is found that fiber optic deformation sensors, with measurement bases of the order of one to a few meters, can give useful information in the long term. The SOFO(Surveillance d’Ouvranges par Fibre Optique or Structural Monitoring by Optical Fibers) measurement system is based on a double Mechelson interferometer in tandem configuration. It is able to measure deformation between two points in a structure and detect the strains of the fiberoptical sensors, and it is possible to find the curvature of the structure and then determine the displacement function. Based on the same theory, we try to use tiltmeters to estimate the deformation of the structures and give an example.