太陽物理的重要課題之ㄧ就是研究其能量釋放的過程與粒子的加速機制。太陽閃焰為短時間 內巨大能量釋放的一種爆發現象,伴隨閃焰產生的高能粒子,能自日冕層加速區沿著開放磁力線向 外傳播至行星際空間或是沿磁力線向內傳播至太陽低層大氣,而無線電波輻射的產生與高能粒子在 日冕層中的加速過程,及在太陽低層大氣或行星際空間中的傳輸過程有關,因此無線電波輻射是用 來診斷及追蹤太陽閃焰高能粒子動力特性極其關鍵的工具。本計畫主要將利用中國太陽寬帶動態無 線電波頻譜儀(SBRS)及明安圖無線電波頻譜日像儀(MUSER)的頻譜及影像資料,並結合各波段的衛 星與地面觀測,透過海峽兩岸雙方共同合作的方式,研究太陽閃焰的高能粒子產生及加速機制與傳 輸情形,探討閃焰爆發源區的能量釋放與電漿及磁場環境之物理特性。 ;One of the key issues in the solar physics is to investigate the energy release and particle acceleration processes. Solar flare is one of the most explosive phenomena in our solar system that huge energy is released in a short time. The flare-accelerated particles generated in the corona can either propagate upward along the open magnetic field lines into the interplanetary space or move along the closed field lines downward to the lower solar atmosphere. The radio emission is believed to be associated with the acceleration process in the corona and the transportation process in the lower solar atmosphere or interplanetary space. Therefore, solar radio emission is the most important diagnostic tool to trace and study the dynamic properties of energetic particles. In this proposal, we attempt to investigate the acceleration mechanism of flare-related energetic particles, as well as the plasma and magnetic properties in the source regions, by combining the spectrum and imaging data from Solar Board Band Spectrometer (SBRS) and Mingantu Spectral Radioheliograph (MUSER) with other space-borne and ground-based multi-wavelength observations via the collaboration between China and Taiwan.