在這篇論文中我們主要探討Biharmonic Equation and Polyharmonic Equation 在有限區間解的行為就能Blow-up 。 在第一章節中我們以介紹的方式瞭解現今數學家對此方程式中 的探討跟瞭解並且給予正確的定義和主要定理的敘述,在第二章節裡 我給予Lemmas 做先前的預備知識,在第三章節中我給予定理完整的 證明,而在最後一個章節中列出相關文獻提供各位讀者參考。 In he paper we are consider for Biharmonic Equations and Polyharmonic Equation in the finite interval will Blow-up. In the chapter 1 we are introduce the main theorem and to definition equation. In the chapter we give some Lemmas in order to proofs theorems 1.1 and 1.2 In the chapter 3 we proofs of theorem 1.1 and 1.2,and the last chapter we give the references