摘要: | 對客家與閩南族群來說,宗親族組織在不同歷史時序上,都是相當重要的社群組織與文化象徵符 號。現代社會快速變遷,以血緣、親緣、地緣為主的傳統社群組織,面臨許多發展機會與多元認同政 治的挑戰,逐漸演變出不同屬性與互動型態,形成在傳統與現代不同光譜位置的並立揉雜與交織。傳 統宗親族組織,在組織內部具有社群凝聚的象徵位置,持續維持既有的運作規範與父權階序,在外部, 也試圖維繫在地的文化權力網絡,擴大外部資源導入,同時也發展出超越血親地緣甚至跨族群的姓氏 宗親團體,進而進行跨地域、全國、亞洲,甚至全球串聯與擴散行動。本寫書計畫預定為兩年的時間, 以先前與正執行中的宗親族計畫研究成果為基礎,延續對桃竹苗與金門兩個地域社會的研究,對客家 與閩南宗親族組織相關議題的經驗調查與理論分析,撰寫其作為血緣、親緣、地緣為主的社群組織, 如何在傳統與現代社會之間轉型,在認同歸屬、族群關係、宗祧繼承、宗親政治、跨域串聯等不同場 域,藉由納入與排除間的曖昧,允許象徵詮釋的多重性與模糊性,進行社會再生產之重生與強化之著 作。綜前所述,本專書計畫將分析、確認與概念化相關社會現象,以跟宗親研究、性別研究對話,進 行既有理論與經驗實踐的反思為主要寫作目標。 ;Clan/lineage organizations have long been an essential type of social community as well as a cultural symbol among the Hakka and Min-Nan people. The fast-evolving contemporary society has challenged traditional consanguinity-, kinship-, or region-based social organizations with tough issues such as pluralistic identity politics, rendering them to develop different characteristics and ways to interact. Over time, such organizations have adopted and mixed traditional and modern perspectives. Internally, traditional clan/lineage organizations play a symbolic role in supporting community cohesion and preserving existing operational norms and the patriarchal hierarchy. Externally, these organizations are involved in maintaining the power of the local cultural network and finding external resources for the organization. Reform has also been taking place; consanguineous, regional, or even ethnic boundaries of these surname-based organizations have collapsed, and transregional, nationwide, Pan-Asian, or even global actions promoting networking and diffusion have been initiated. An extension of the previous study on the territorial societies of the Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli, and Kinmen regions of Taiwan, this two-year research project (an experiential investigation) will conduct a literature review, participant observation, and in-depth interviews to further explore issues related to Hakka and Min-Nan clan/lineage organizations. The first interest of this study will be the adaptation of these traditional consanguineous, regional, or ethnic social organizations to the modern world in terms of their identity and belonging, ethnic relations, family succession, clan politics, and interterritorial connections. The second interest of this study regards the use of inclusion and exclusion for pluralistic yet ambiguous interpretation of symbolic signs for regenerating and reinforcing norms concerning social reproduction. All these social phenomena will be analyzed, verified, conceptualized, and linked to studies on clans and gender for a comprehensive examination of existing theories and experiential practices. |