Ethereum是一個提供具智能合約功能的公共區塊鏈平台,目前已經是全球知名的區塊鏈項目之一。而 Ethereum 最大的特色:智能合約,即是一種在區塊鏈上運行的自動服務程式,其扮演的角色為合約內容的執行者,有著運作過程公開透明化的優點,因此可以降低交易的不確定性。而 Ethereum 為了貨幣合約的運作方便,也訂定了ERC的數位代幣標準,使運行在 Ethereum 上智能合約應用可以透過實作符合標準的代幣合約,在與錢包、交易所或其他智能合約、代幣進行交互時,能夠以此標準協定進行對接。本研究將基於 Ethereum 智能合約技術,透過在 Ethereum 上發行符合 ERC[2] 標準的自有數位代幣,實作一個去中心化之有償需求回饋協同合作平台,提供平台的使用者使用此數位代幣作為懸賞獎金在平台上提出公開需求,亦或是為他人提供解決方案來獲得數位代幣,達到需求與解決方案的價值量化。平台將利用區塊鏈技術的去中心化系統存儲以及可信任的智能合約執行方等優點,參與此協同合作平台的使用者可以沒有負擔地信任應用平台,也讓以往在過程中相對弱勢的使用者,有機會從被動的資訊交換過程中轉變人人為對等式的主動參與者。 ;Ethereum is a recently developed platform technology which can support smart contract and operates based on block-chain technology. The concept of smart contract is to provide automatic service program on top of block-chain, and plays the roles of ensuring the execution of contracts’ contents. The execution of smart contract is open and transparent, and therefore can reduce the uncertainty of transaction. There is also the ERC standard for the digital token, and enables the compensations after fulfillment of contracts. Smart contract is also capable of interflowing with digital wallet, digital exchange,or other smart contracts' tokens.The proposed proposal is to develop a decentralized and collaborative platform for paid feedback service, and the design is based on Ethereum's smart contract. Every user can make a request of service with promised compensations of digital token, or providing solutions to earn contracts’ compensation. Valuable services are therefore circulated in this platform. The mutual trusts among all participants are ensured by the underlying decentralized block-chain technology. The usually disadvantaged participants, from unequal information acquirement, can now become more active without the hesitation.