人類每天有意無意地做出大量的決定,而這些決策非常依賴於記憶的運作,而且決策時進行的選擇在很大程度上受到個體從記憶中所提取出的訊息的影響,也因此大多數的決策理論都會考慮之前所經歷選擇的結果對當下決策行為的影響。然而,相較於當前經由行為以及腦造影研究對於記憶功能運作的研究結果,大多數人類決策的研究似乎過於簡化記憶功能運作的複雜程度以及其可能對於絕攝行為所產生的影響。這些決策研究傾向將對過去決定的記憶簡單地看作是一個全有或無的過程,而且將決策者視為一個被動的記憶者,在決策的情境中無法控制或是改變對於各類提取線索的處理。然而,許多研究表明,人們可以根據所尋求的記憶訊息的特性積極改變對於提取提線索處理的方式,藉以提高記憶的表現,而此一歷程也會對於各項包括決策在內的受到記憶導引的認知運作產生重要影響。本計畫的目標即在探討記憶提取導向以及策略性提取這兩項中藥記憶提取歷程對於決策歷程的影響,尤其將會著重在對於決策情境變異性的提取歷程以及其對於風險決策的影響。本計畫共提出八個實驗。實驗一和實驗二將使用室內以及室外場景圖片作為記憶形成的情境,利用事件相關腦電位以及記憶排除作業探討個體對於記憶登錄情境變異性的記憶表現,以及時否能對其進行策略性提取。實驗三和實驗四將採用與前兩個實驗類似的設計,但是將風險決策中經常使用的彩卷增益或損失的大小作為記憶登錄情境的變異性來加以操弄。實驗五和實驗六的則將結合前述實驗所發展的記憶提取導向實驗以及風險性決策實驗,探討人類的風險偏好性如何受到對於過去決策情境變異性記憶的影響。實驗七和實驗八將分別使用功能性磁振造影以及和立體定向腦電圖探討與人類決策行為相關決策的腦區(例如,眶額葉皮質,腹側內側前額葉皮質,紋狀體)和以及與記憶提取相關的迴路(包括內側顳葉,左後頂葉皮質)之間如額交互作用支持由記憶引導的決策行為。記憶以及決策是人類的兩大基本認知功能。過去決策的研究對於記憶的考慮過於簡略,藉由本計劃的實施將可從行為以及神經生理的角度了解此二功能的交互作用,對於人類基本認知運作以及其神經機制的了解都將會有重要貢獻。 ;Human beings make a vast number of decisions everyday consciously or unconsciously. A great number of decisions rely on memory processes. The choice of a particular alternative is to a great extent subject to and biased by what information is or is not retrieved from memory. Most theories of decision-making take into account the outcomes of previous decisions. However, the conception of memory delineated in most decision-making studies is rather simple when compared to recent behavioral and functional neuroimaging findings of mnemonics processes. The retrieval of the memory of a past decision and its context is simply considered as an all-or-none process and the decision-maker is viewed as a passive rememberer who exerts no control over the retrieval cues in a decision-making context. However, many studies have shown that people can actively vary the way a retrieval cue is processed contingent on the characteristics of the sought-for information. The current project aims to fill out this gap by investigating the roles of retrieval orientation and strategic retrieval in memory-guided decision-making. Specifically, we will focus on the retrieval of encoding context variability and its influences on decision-making under risk.A total of eight experiments are proposed in the current project. Experiments I and II will employ the ERPs in the exclusion tasks to investigate the retrieval orientation and strategic recollection of the variability of encoding context with indoor and outdoor scenes serve as the encoding contexts. Experiments III and IV will adopt similar designs that were used in the first two experiments but manipulate the magnitudes of gain or loss in a lottery as the variability of the encoding contexts. Experiments V and VI aim to investigate the modulation of the retrieval orientation and strategic retrieval of contextual variability on decision-making under risk. This goal will be achieved by incorporating a risky decision-making task into the context exclusion task developed in Experiments III and IV so that we will learn whether and how the retrieval of past decision context variability affects the risk-preference in the current risky decision-making. Experiments VII and VIII will employ fMRI and stereotactic electroencephalography (SEEG) to examine the interaction between the brain regions involved in decision-making (e.g., orbitofrontal cortex, ventral medial prefrontal cortex, striatum) and the recollection network (including the medial temporal lobe, the left posterior parietal cortex) supporting memory-guided decision-making.It is expected that the experiments proposed here will provide convergent evidence, which will advance our understanding of the interaction between the memory and decision-making from both the perspectives of cognitive and neurophysiological operations.