論文摘要 ? 給定一價數序列(degree sequence)S=﹛r, r+1, r+2,..., r+s﹜, 其中 r≧1, s≧0. 以S為價數序列的價數連續之圖形(Degree-Continuous Graphs)所需最少點數(niminum order)的問題,在〔1〕中(請參閱本文中之References)的某些情況下,「最少點數」會介於兩個連續整數之間,但不知其精確值。在本文中將求出其精確值。 Abstract. A result about the minimum order of a degree-continuous graph with prescribed degree set was given in [1]. In this result, the minimum order is not completely determined in some cases. In this note, we determine the minimum order for these cases.