摘要: | 本計畫「可置換式低碳排智慧綠建築之系統整合開發技術及運行評估研究」為跨主軸整合計畫,主要為配合政府之減碳政策與跨領域整合「創能」、「儲能」與「節能」三大國家型能源計畫(National Energy Program, NEP)主軸。本團隊規畫執行低碳排智慧綠建築之系統評估與實地建置,預計整合高效能建材、建築微電網、能源監控系統、智慧空調及智慧照明系統之關鍵技術,同時導入創新之想法:「可置換式」綠建築,該建築中之任一設備皆具有隨插即用(Plug-and-play)的功能,該建築將具備可獨立評估分析創能(太陽能)、儲能(鋰離子電池、液流電池、電轉氣系統等)、節能(高效能建材)、置換式節能空調、先進照明及系統整合(能源資通訊、智慧電網)之功能,可為產/學/研界提供一最新研發產品之實例運轉驗證平台。最終於台南沙崙綠能科學城建立一示範運轉場域,並提供予各單位進行實例驗證與開放一般民眾進行生活體驗。在為產/學/研界提供一最新研發產品之實例運轉驗證平台的同時,提高民眾對最新低碳排智慧綠建築之認識與深化「再生能源、能源再生」之觀念。 ;This proposal is cross-field integration project entitled “System development and operation evaluation for plug-in, replaceable, low-carbon, smart green buildings.” Integrating energy production, energy storage and energy conservation technologies. The project team plans to construct a plug-in, replaceable, low-carbon, smart green building for system development and operation evaluation. Key technologies of high-performance building materials, building micro-grid, energy monitoring system, intelligent air-conditioning and advanced lighting system will be practiced and evaluated. For the purpose of testing and evaluation, major devices will be replaceable or hot swappable in this building. This enabling this system with independent assessment analysis ability for energy production (solar energy), energy storage (Li-ion battery, flow battery, power to gas system), energy conservation (high-performance building materials, high efficiency air-conditioner, advanced lighting) and system integration (energy information and communication technology, smart micro grid). In addition to be the verification place of innovative products for industry/academia/research institutes, this demonstration building in Shalun Green Energy Science City, Tainan, can provide the general public to experience the most advanced energy technologies. |