本論文主要研究目的在於了解現行高中數學在微積分的教材內容上,是否足以應付大一上學期與微積分相關的課程。基於此一目的,本研究主要探討台灣大專院校於大一上學期所開設之必修課程與微積分的關聯性;同時也整理各學系招生採計數學狀況與其課程的關聯性。針對與微積分相關之課程進行分析,藉此探討學生在高中階段學習的微積分課程內容的適切性。 此篇論文採用文本分析法,詳實記載大學各課程選用教科書中與微積分相關之內容,並針對現行高中數學課程綱要 (95 暫綱) 予以探討與分析;文章中亦將針對研究對象學校,詳細說明其招生入學的數學採計狀況。招生入學資訊與大一上學期之必修課程資訊均以 97 學年度入學為準。文中將針對 16 所大學、478 個學系、217 種課程進行整理。依據資料蒐集與文本分析的結果歸納出幾點結論與建議,期盼本研究對於我國數學科教育在教科書撰寫與數學課程綱要之修訂皆能提供有益之參考。 The purpose of this thesis is to study that whether calculus textbooks used in high school can provide sufficient knowledge for students to understand and connect to calculus or other calculus related courses which they will need to take in the first semester of freshman year. Based on this target, this thesis mainly studies the connection between calculus and university’s required courses of the first semester in freshman year. Besides, I also generalize the relation between courses and which mathematic test universities choose when they enroll new students. In order to research what students learn from calculus in high school, I specifically analyze calculus related courses. The thesis uses text analysis to elaborately record calculus related contents that are included in textbooks used in universities and to analyze current high school mathematic curriculum (temporary curriculum in 2006). Furthermore, the thesis also explains how specific universities decide which mathematic test they should use as a basis for enrollment of new students. The information of enrollment and required courses of first semester during freshman year is from 2008 academic year. The analysis in thesis includes sixteen universities, four hundred and seventy-eight departments, and two hundred and seventeen courses. According to collected information and result of text analysis, I make a few points of suggestions and conclusion. Hope that this thesis can be a beneficial reference for future mathematic textbooks and mathematic curriculum modification