由國家科學委員會科學教育處與國立中央大學數學系合辦的『中小學數學教師創意教學競賽』,舉辦五屆以來,獲得了超過250件創意作品的熱情參與和支持,其中有許多相同教學單元的創意作品,熱門的單元更是多達10件以上。而在累積了這些同單元的創意作品之後,我們不禁想問,對一個相同的教學單元,各參賽教師所著重的教育目標是什麼;各參賽教師要如何展現他們的創意;他們所設計的創意是否真的能引發學生學習動機或培養學生創造力?本研究以比較相同教學單元(勾股定理)的創意作品為起點,藉由『中小學數學教師創意教學競賽』所得的寶貴資料,嘗試分析每位參賽教師對於相同教學單元所著重的教學重點有什麼不同,以及每位參賽教師要如何展現他們的創意。並期望能藉由整理、分析其餘參賽教師所給予每份創意作品的評價與改進建議,能提供站在第一線的教師們在製作此教學單元的教材時,有個參考的依據。更期望能擷取出所有創意作品的優點,製作出一份具有創意的單元教材。 “The Math Creative pedagogic Contest” was pooled by the national science Council scientific education department and the National Central University Math department. Since the contest has exhibit for five sessions, which has attract and support by many participants, and these participants are school teachers. Therefore the contest obtains 250 surpass creative works, and there have over 10 popular units form these creative works. After accumulating these creative works from different units, people would ask themselves questions from the same teaching unit what is their main gold toward education? How do these participants reveal their creativity? Does teachers’ creative design can initiated students’ motivation to study or help students cultivate their creation? This research paper is based on compare the creative works in the same teaching unit (Pythagorean Theorem) and the valuable sources are from “The Math Creative Pedagogic Contest”. Try to analyze each participant’s main points and the difference from the same unit; as well as, analyze how these participants reveal their creativity. From the analysis and organization of this research paper hope that can improve teachers’ teach skills and give suggestion to their creative works. This proposal provides teachers other sources when they are preparing their teaching materials. Hopefully, it can combine all the advantages of these creative works and make another creative teaching material.